Thnks Object Data Dictionary

Below is a table with the default labels, API names and definitions for all fields that come with the AppExchange listing within the Thnks object.

Object Label: Thnks Object API Name: thnksdev1__Gift__c

Field LabelAPI NameField TypePurpose
Accountthnksdev1__Account__cLookup(Account)Account that Thnks is related with (only associated if a Contact match is made).
Actual Senderthnksdev1__Actual_Sender__cLookup(User)Internal Salesforce User that initiated the sending of the Thnks.
Carbon Neutral Costthnksdev1__Carbon_Neutral_Cost__cCurrency(16, 2)Cost for carbon-neutral Thnks delivery.
Created ByCreatedByIdLookup(User)Standard Salesforce field displaying what user created the record. Will be the same as Actual Sender.
Deal Stagethnksdev1__Deal_Stage__cText(255)If an Opportunity is matched, this is a stamp of the Opportunity’s Stage at the time of Thnks send.
Deliveredthnksdev1__Delivered__cFormula (Checkbox)Indicates whether the Thnks has been delivered to the recipient.
Delivered Bythnksdev1__DeliveryType__cPicklistWhether Thnks was sent via Email or SMS.
Delivered Date/Timethnksdev1__Delivered_Date_Time__cDate/TimeTimestamp of when the Thnks was delivered.
Descriptionthnksdev1__Description__cLong Text Area(131072)The item description of the Thnks that was sent.
Donated Date/Timethnksdev1__Donated_Date_Time__cDate/TimeTimestamp of when the Thnks was donated.
Expired Date/Timethnksdev1__Expired_Date_Time__cDate/TimeTimestamp of when the Thnks expired.
Item Costthnksdev1__Item_Cost__cCurrency(16, 2)Base cost of the Thnks that was sent.
Last Modified ByLastModifiedByIdLookup(User)Standard Salesforce field.
Linkthnksdev1__RecipientTransactionLink__cURL(255)Link to the Thnks within the Thnks app.
Messagethnksdev1__Message__cLong Text Area(131072)The custom message that was entered when sending the Thnks.
NameNameText(80)Standard Salesforce field. This is the name of the Thnks being sent.
Openedthnksdev1__Opened__cFormula (Checkbox)Indicates whether the Thnks has been opened by the recipient.
Opened Date/Timethnksdev1__Opened_Date_Time__cDate/TimeTimestamp of when the Thnks was opened by the recipient.
Opportunitythnksdev1__Opportunity__cLookup(Opportunity)Account that Thnks is related with (only associated if a Contact match is made)
OwnerOwnerIdLookup(User,Group)Standard Salesforce field.
Recipient Contactthnksdev1__RecipientContactId__cLookup(Contact)Contact that Thnks is related with.
Recipient Emailthnksdev1__Recipient_Email__cEmailThe actual email that the Thnks was sent to.
Recipient Leadthnksdev1__RecipientLeadId__cLookup(Lead)Lead that Thnks is related with.
Recipient Phone Numberthnksdev1__Recipient_Phone_Number__cPhoneThe actual phone number that the Thnks was sent to.
Redeemedthnksdev1__Redeemed__cFormula (Checkbox)Indicates whether the Thnks has been redeemed by the recipient.
Redeemed Date/Timethnksdev1__Redeemed_Date_Time__cDate/TimeTimestamp of when the Thnks was redeemed.
Refunded Date/Timethnksdev1__Refunded_Date_Time__cDate/TimeTimestamp of when the Thnks was refunded.
Senderthnksdev1__SenderId__cLookup(User)Internal Salesforce User that initiated the sending of the Thnks.
Sender Emailthnksdev1__Sender_Email__cEmailThe actual email of the person sending the Thnks.
Shipping Costthnksdev1__Shipping_Cost__cCurrency(16, 2)Shipping cost of the Thnks (physical items only).
Statusthnksdev1__RecipientTransactionStatus__cPicklistPicklist field tracking the current status of the Thnks (controlled by Thnks app)
Thnks Item Idthnksdev1__GiftId__cNumber(18, 0)Unique item ID of the Thnks.
Thnks Sent Atthnksdev1__RecipientTransactionCreatedAt__cDate/TimeTimestamp of when the Thnks was sent.
Total Pricethnksdev1__RecipientTransactionPrice__cCurrency(16, 2)Total cost of the Thnks send.
Transaction Feethnksdev1__Transaction_Fee__cCurrency(16, 2)Transaction fee of the Thnks send.
Transaction Idthnksdev1__RecipientTransactionId__cNumber(18, 0) (External ID)Unique transaction ID for Thnks send.
Undelivered Date/Timethnksdev1__Undelivered_Date_Time__cDate/TimeTimestamp of when the Thnks was undelivered.